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πŸš—βš‘ Something Electric Happened at The Shell Store This Morning! βš‘πŸš—

Jul 11, 2024

We're excited to share the success of the first-ever Electric Car Breakfast at the Shell Store!!!!

πŸš—βš‘ Something Electric Happened at The Shell Store This Morning! βš‘πŸš—

We're excited to share the success of the first-ever Electric Car Breakfast at the Shell Store, hosted by Herefordshire Means Business Ltd.

Our guest speakers, Clare Mallender from Vertu Motors plc Hereford Audi, and Alun Bendle from Audi UK and Allstar Business Solutions, captivated the audience with their insights.Amidst a delightful breakfast spread from the The Coffee Cart Company Ltd + The Munitions Business Lounge, we delved into dispelling myths surrounding range anxiety and costs, breaking down complex concepts with real-world examples.

After we had some enthusiastic participants are experiencing the thrill of test driving the stunning Audi range.A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved. We look forward to welcoming you all again soon for more electrifying experiences and knowledge-sharing sessions!

‍#TheShellStore#ElectricCarBreakfast#HerefordshireMeansBusiness#InnovationJourney πŸš—βš‘πŸŒŸ

Enterprise Zones
The Munitions
Skylon Park
Herefordshire Council